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MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN, SCR (Seçici Katalizör Azaltma) sistemi olan veya olmayan DPF (Dizel Partikül Filtresi) ile her tür...
Motul Performance Service additive Cleaner for Diesel DPF
MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN, SCR (Seçici Katalizör Azaltma) sistemi olan veya olmayan DPF (Dizel Partikül Filtresi) ile her tür dizel motorda kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmış, kullanıma hazır bir DPF temizlik maddesidir. Dizel Partikül Filtresinde bulunan kurum ve kirletici maddeleri çözmek için aktif yüksek verimli bileşenler ve tam işlevselliğini yeniden oluşturur. Motul Performance Servis ürünleri teklifinin bir parçası olan MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN, yalnızca Motul DPF Makinesi veya Motul Inject 3in1 otomatik motor temizleme makinesi ile birlikte kullanılmalıdır. MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN'in düzenli kullanımı, Dizel Partikül Filtresinin uzun DPF ömrü boyunca temiz kalmasına yardımcı olur ve pahalı onarım işlerini önler. Yeni bir DPF'nin kurulumuna kıyasla net bir maliyet avantajı sağlar. DPF'li tüm Dizel motorlarda kullanım içindir ve her türlü Dizel yakıt için uygundur.
MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN restores the original engine power and performance. Improves drivability and reduces fuel consumption and pollutants exhaust gas emissions.
A clean DPF system is a necessary condition for an effective engine functioning. MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN improves DPF cleanliness, its high-performance agents allows:
•Faster and more efficient cleaning of the DPF
•Maintenance of the cleanliness of the DPF
•Increased reliability
The use of MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN will ensure:
•Improved engine performance and driving pleasure
•Increased power: improved start-up, idling and acceleration
•Reduced fuel consumption and pollutant emissions at the exhaust
A clean DPF system is a necessary condition for an effective engine functioning. MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN improves DPF cleanliness, its high-performance agents allows:
•Faster and more efficient cleaning of the DPF
•Maintenance of the cleanliness of the DPF
•Increased reliability
The use of MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN will ensure:
•Improved engine performance and driving pleasure
•Increased power: improved start-up, idling and acceleration
•Reduced fuel consumption and pollutant emissions at the exhaust
For proper application follow exclusively the instructions of Motul DPF Machine or Motul Inject 3in1.
One bottle of MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN is enough for one application.
Ready to use formulation. Pour directly 1 bottle into Motul DPF Machine or Motul Inject 3in1.
Follow the instructions of the machine.
Product works during operation. Avoid overdosing.
Do not exceed the recommended proportion. Repeat cleaning procedure if necessary.
Dangerous. Observe the precautions for use.
To maintain the benefits of DPF cleaning, use regularly the Diesel fuel additive MOTUL® DPF CLEAN every 5000 km / 3000 miles for optimal performance.
One bottle of MOTUL® DPF JET CLEAN is enough for one application.
Ready to use formulation. Pour directly 1 bottle into Motul DPF Machine or Motul Inject 3in1.
Follow the instructions of the machine.
Product works during operation. Avoid overdosing.
Do not exceed the recommended proportion. Repeat cleaning procedure if necessary.
Dangerous. Observe the precautions for use.
To maintain the benefits of DPF cleaning, use regularly the Diesel fuel additive MOTUL® DPF CLEAN every 5000 km / 3000 miles for optimal performance.