Iceland has very rough terrain, bad roads and, in winter, lots of snow. A normal 4x4 car, even with metal chains, can’t really go far when the snow is serious. At the time, in order to get to these more extreme places, for rescue operations for example, people needed a vehicle that could drive normal roads and a belt vehicle on a trailer or a truck. Snow mobiles are fantastic, but they are a bit difficult to only use on a rescue mission. However, they discovered that large tyres with low air pressure could get through most snow challenges, and they could be inflated and deflated on the move. This all of a sudden became a big thing. But this caused big issues because lifting the car high and doing it in an inconsistent way means we had vehicles that were dangerous and easy to flip over. The vehicle manufacturers didn’t want to support this. I felt we needed to find a better solution to solve this need in the market. We started by asking Toyota USA to help us, but we couldn’t find all the parts. So, we had to engineer our own solutions, and this turned out to be very successful and popular in Iceland. We had the happiest clients in the country.