When you look at Formula One, you’ll find thousands of pages dedicated to it, yet sportscar and Le Mans is something that doesn’t have that same level of coverage. My channel, when I covered F1 as well, didn't really gain that much attention because the launch of it coincided with WTF1, which was really taking off. There was also a handful of other F1 pages, and I hadn't really found my particular niche. Last year I decided to stop covering F1 and concentrate on sportscars, which are my particular passion anyway. Since then, the channel has doubled in size and is projected to double again by the middle of this year. It’s really gathering momentum. It just needs time to build recognition and grow. This is something I’m doing off my own back and making mistakes along the way and developing from those. Of course, I would love it to be my full-time job if it was successful.