[Laurie] This is my seventh season driving in rock crawling. I would do it recreationally on the weekends. And I was always in the passenger seat. Once, when we were in North Carolina traveling on some really great trails, I remember looking down the side of the mountain and thinking “this is crazy – I think I'd much rather be driving than sitting this close to the edge”. So, I got my first Jeep in 2008 and started learning to drive. A few years later we traded it for a buggy. It was at that point that I began competing. I'm now two buggies beyond that original one. Brian's got an equally capable buggy, with a slightly different configuration.
[Brian] Seven years ago, we touted ourselves as a husband and wife rock crawling team. We’re now the number one husband and wife team in the US [laughs]. And Laurie is the number one US female driver. She started off with spotting: you have a driver and a spotter. The spotter helps navigate to get the driver successfully through the course. And then she transitioned into eventually driving a few years later.