Cologne 2017: Motul has reformulated its 8100 ECO-lite 5W-30 engine lubricant for the latest generation of downsized petrol engines which are sensitive to abnormal and sudden combustion incidents (Low Speed Pre-Ignition - LSPI). General Motors has already upgraded the specifications of its latest specification dexos1TM GEN 2.
Launched by General Motors for its direct injection, turbocharged gasoline engines, the second generation of dexos1TM specification (dexos1TM GEN 2) makes it possible to combat the phenomenon of LSPI (Low Speed Pre-Ignition) or ‘Rumble’, which is characterized by sporadic pre-ignition in the combustion chamber leading to the damage and eventual destruction of an engine.
With its expertise in the field of lubrication, Motul has adapted its engine lubrication technology to prolong the life of downsized petrol engines subject to LSPI. “The frequency of LSPI can be caused by various factors: residues, oil dilution due to unburned fuel, fuel and oil composition, wear metals as well temperature during compression stroke. Under certain conditions, even the composition of the additive package of the engine oil has a significant influence on the frequency of LSPI events." says Alexander Hornoff, Head of Technical Department at Motul Deutschland GmbH.
The 8100 ECO-lite 5W-30 engine lubricant has thus been reformulated to meet the requirements of General Motors dexos1TM GEN 2 in order to:
- Combat the phenomenon of LSPI
- Reduce fuel consumption
- Reduce emissions pollutants