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Regarded by its greatest fans as a way of life, the spirit of biking can be experienced in different ways.
With the right adjustments to suit the road surface, it’s possible to ride almost anywhere. Depending on the route taken, however, it can mean subjecting the bike to a tough test. The road surface can damage tyres or wheel rims, or even scratch the fairing. Dust or insects can clog the air filter, or hinder visibility. There are so many things which can put the rider and his machine at risk.
Carrying out a quick service, checking and cleaning between stages, is therefore recommended to guarantee your bike is in good condition and to avoid any problems.
Of course, it’s not possible to anticipate everything, so Motul recommends that all riders keep the following products with them:
TYRE REPAIR – P3: repairs and re-inflates motorbike tyres (with or without air chamber) instantly without dismantling and without the need for tools.
INSECT REMOVER – E7: eliminates traces of insects and organic residues (bird droppings) on motorbike screens, fairings, paintwork, metal, mirrors and plastic parts. Dissolves dirt effectively without leaving a trace. This product will not damage the surface treated.
HANDS CLEAN – M4: cleans hands without water, dissolving all grease, oils and other stubborn mechanical stains. Practical and non-flammable, it can be stored without risk under the bike saddle. Its dermatologically tested, non-aggressive formula will not cause skin dryness.
The MC Care range® comprises numerous products to meet all your maintenance needs. They are classified according to their intended use:
P – Maintenance of mechanical Parts
A – Maintenance of Air filter
E – External care
M – Products for Motorbike riders and their equipment
C – Maintenance of the Chain
You will find all the MC Care® products at your local Motul distributor.